My Vintage Bates and Klinke Charm Collection

June 13, 2010 | By | 8 Replies More

Bates & Klinke BraceletI've been collecting B&K charms for a while now and have finally finished my first bracelet.  It's a very full and busy bracelet because I put a charm on every link.  The four main shapes, scallop, round, art deco, and ships wheel, are all mixed together and there's no real theme or pattern other than they are all Bates & Klinke souvenir travel charms from all over the Unites States.  I also have a few of the unusual shaped ones spaced around.  These are harder to find so I'm always excited when I get one.  I collect these in spurts.  I'll go for a long while without buying any and then I'll get inspired and purchase three or four in a day.  That's the reason it's taken me a long time to fill the bracelet, not that they are super rare or anything.  In fact they are very easy to find on-line.

I've also included a photo of a bracelet I have started with all Bates & Klinke Florida tourist destination charms.  Florida is my home state and where I still live. I have a few more to buy before it's full.   My favorite is the enamel one with Florida oranges on the center.  The B&K enamel charms are very scarce and usually sell for a high price on auction sites.

Bates and Klinke are easy to recognize because of the distinctive hallmark.  I recommend collecting them as great way to commemorate travel and it is fun to remember the old tourist destinations.

Florida B&K Bracelet

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Article Name
My Vintage Bates and Klinke Charm Collection
Fitzcharmings BK Bates and Klinke Charm Collection

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Category: Private Jewelry Collection

About the Author ()

Wanda Fitzgerald is a Florida native and an vintage charm collector who loves to share her adventures in an e-commerce jewelry business with anyone who is interested.

Comments (8)

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  1. Hey Wanda – WOW – I have never seen a charm bracelet so full and so beautiful before! Awesome work! If you approach your business with the passion that you have put into that bracelet it must be booming! Congratulations –
    Michele Scism, The Results Lady

  2. Dawn says:

    Love your bracelet. I’m always caught between wanting the charm bracelet to look very full (so attach charms to every link) and wanting it to be complete as soon as possible (so space them out).

    In actual fact I usually space them to start with and then fill in the gaps.

    That is a lovely Bates & Klinke charm bracelet.

  3. Sylvia says:

    Hi Wanda, what a cool charm bracelet. I have learned so much from reading your blog that I am taking notes…hahaha. I would love to host a charm swap on my blog but have no idea how to go about it. Any ideas?


  4. Michele says:

    I love your bracelet and it has inspired me to collect Bates and Klinke charms myself. Is there a list available of all the charms B&K made? Or by any chance do you have a list even of the ones you own? It would be helpful in my searches for places I’ve been to and would like a charm of.



  5. fitzcharming says:

    I don’t have a list and I’ve never seen one online. I just started watching for them on ebay and Ruby Lane. If you find a list please let me know. Thanks for reading Charmchatter and good luck.

  6. Scotty says:

    A very beautiful collection of Bates & Klinke charms.
    If you are missing any charms for your bracelet please contact me. I have been working for Bates & klinke for over 25 years, I might be able to help you find that rare one.

  7. fitzcharming says:

    Wow that would be wonderful. I’m sure I’m missing a lot so thanks very much. I’ll be taking inventory.

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